Healing with Regression


Regression is another modality I offer which processes childhood and generational wounds and traumas.

We all have wounds such as fear, betrayal, abandonment, and rejection that need to be addressed and integrated so we can become our authentic selves, feel great, and manifest the life we want to live.

Traumas develop when we experience an overwhelming amount of stress that we don’t have the capacity to cope with at the time.

During these processes I bring your awareness to aspects of your psyche associated with the wound or trauma so the lesson can be integrated and you can evolve.

Wounds can manifest as:

- Daily Stressors
- Relationship Issues
- Bodily Pains
- Anxiety/ Depression
- Self Love & Self Worth Issues
- Illness/ Dis-ease
- Weight & Hormonal Imbalance
- Addictions / Disorders

Trauma’s can be:

- Loss of a Loved one/ Miscarriages
- Divorce/ Heart break
- Physical & Sexual Abuse
- Rape
- Life Altering Incident
- Phobias
- Moving

*Virtual sessions are available


1 hr / $100 + GST

1.5 hr / $150 + GST

Please inquire via email on the contact page.