Plant Medicine Ceremonies


Medicine Person Rights

Vanesa holds the rights of a medicine woman and a medicine man. As a medicine person Vanesa can prescribe natural medicine for any soul.

Plant Medicine is reserved for those already on their journey of healing the Self and have acknowledged specific aspects of their psyche.

Current Plant Medicine Available for Ceremony:



Grandfather Tabaquito

Individual Ceremonies Include

Medicine of choice + Reiki or Regression Healing (please refer to the healing tab for more info)

1.5hr $200 + GST

Group Ceremonies include

Grandfather Tabaquito + Guided meditation + Group sharing & guidance

$65+ GST per person | Time dependant on # of people

Please inquire via email on the contact page.

Rapé Ceremony


Rapé involves the use of Tabaquito (Tobacco) combined with herbs administered to each nasal cavity with a ceremonial pipe. It’s known to feel like an “internal slap.”

The intense blow of the medicine clears the sinuses and negative energies, eases pain, and stimulates detoxification. In some cases the medicine can stimulate a bowel movement and a vomiting purge. 

Rapé energetically expels emotional, mental, and physical trauma as well as manifested illnesses through intention. It opens up the heart, third eye and crown chakras. It expands ones consciousness opening up new mental pathways, clearing the mind, and connects one with their higher self.

Rapé leaves you feeling calmer, grounded, and revitalized.

Grandfather Tabaquito


This ceremony involves the use of Tabaquito (Tobacco) combined with a herbal tea. I have two types of leaves available, one milder leaf and one harsher leaf. For those who may have some fear around experiencing plant medicine the milder leaf is a great introduction that allows you to build your tolerance. This liquid form of Tabaquito creates an intense sensation as it’s snorted up each nasal cavity.

This medicine clears the sinuses and negative energies, eases pain, and stimulates detoxification. In some cases the medicine can stimulate a bowel movement and a vomiting purge.

Tabaquito energetically expels emotional, mental, and physical trauma as well as manifested illnesses through intention. It opens up the heart, third eye and crown chakras. It expands ones consciousness opening up new mental pathways, clearing the mind, and connects one with their higher self.

Tabaquito leaves you feeling calmer, grounded, and revitalized.