About Me


Cosmic Grandmother

Energy Healer

Usui Reiki Teacher

Medicine Person

My journey of awakening started when I was attending university in 2011. I was in school to become a registered dietitian to fulfill my passion of health and wellness. School was always a struggle for me. Every year I attended university I was kicked out due to my failing grades. The only reason I was allowed to continue to attend failing was because I kept losing family members. Every year I attended university I lost an immediate family member. By the end of my third year I had lost my immediate family, and everything that was close to me.

I also had a passion for business but I was told to go to school and get a stable job. I was involved with a marketing company in 2010 where I learned the logistics of business. The experience opened my mind and ignited my passion for business. After my family passed I dropped out of university and started a healthy meal delivery company in 2014 combining everything I loved, health and business. This came to a crashing halt after 9 months when the business partnership I was in failed. I was devastated because at the time this was everything I’d wanted. My life was a humbling mess. I had experience serving so I went back to the industry in 2015 to make ends meet.

In the fall of 2015 I unconsciously began my healing journey and attended a meditation institute that was lead by Thai Monks. Meditation quickly became a pillar to my journey by helping me release my suppressed emotions. In 2016 I took online courses through Life Force Energy where I learned about Ayurvedic medicine, the chakra system and journaling. In 2017 I met an Oracle who helped me heal the wounds of my soul through Shamanic practices. Here’s where I began deep self-reflection and understood my rights as a medicine person. Also in 2017 I was referred to my Reiki teacher and began taking my training. After receiving my Reiki master training I began taking on clients in June of 2018. I received my Reiki teacher training in February 2019 and started teaching in May.

Healing and working through my mental and emotional pain from all the trauma I endured changed my life. I found great improvement after I started to put my mental, emotional, and physical health before anyone or anything. I learned to take care of my myself on all levels and love myself first because then AND ONLY THEN could I give my very best to others. If you’re not looking after your mental and emotional health you’re overlooking a large part of your overall health.

Throughout my journey I came to realize that helping others is what truly fulfills me. I want to share my healings, teachings, and guidance with others so they can heal and evolve. I’ve now dedicated my life to evolving the consciousness of Earth.